Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Are you on the lookout for a good home business opportunity through which you can make loads of money? There are numerous different programs from which you can choose on the internet which can help you to make a lot of money online from your home itself. However, there are only a few offers which allow you to start making money as soon as you start working. An internet business is the best way to get started! Given below are a few reasons to why people all over the world are now using internet based products and services in order to earn a huge sum of money is a very short period of time. Whenever you start a business of your own based on an internet opportunity, they will give you the tools which are required by you in order to promote their product. A website, some marketing tools as well as other required tools will be given to you in order to help you to be successful in this. If you are the owner of a website of your own that you want to use to promote and advertise the opportunities, even then they will go ahead and give you the tools which are required to get you started in this process. You can also increase and improve your marketing at efforts by using these tools along with the other tools that you have already been using. One of the other common reasons to why internet home based business is so popular is that there is no need to buy or stock up products at home for this kind of business. All you have to do is to promote the products and services online till someone purchases the product. Hence, you don't have to worry about collecting the money, or processing the sales, or shipping the product to the customer or any such thing. All you have to do and all you have to care about is ensuring that the people buy the product or service. This is a very intricate and big job and hence it is essential that you get paid well for it. Hence, the best kind of Internet home based business allows you to make at least a few hundreds of dollars right from the beginning. The basic thing is to realize and learn how the internet lets you start a business of your own and earn a lot of money by doing so; this is the point where i will advise you to be very careful. There are a lot of scam sites on the internet that will tell you to pay to get some services, i will advise you to be careful and know the kind of information you are paying to get.
This is the right place where you will get access to all the things you need to start making money online.

There are several ways, to which you can make money online, that are legitimate and scam free. I will show you some of the ways that you can use to make some cash for yourself right from your home.
Affiliate marketing networks are considered to be one of the simple methods to get some money online. While affiliate selling is one of the finest ways to make profits online, that may seem overpowering, especially for an amateur. Although it offers all the benefits of e commerce, with none of the drawbacks of running a traditional store, or selling your own goods online, people new to affiliate internet marketing occasionally feel that there’s a lot of info to digest and it’s hard to start, no Once the person understands the program, He can start making money right away.
What you will do in affiliate program is to serve as a marketer for a particular product and get paid for it. I have a book that shows the details of how you can get much money from affiliate marketing. The reason why you will tell me you don’t make money affiliate program is because of laziness.
Send a message to kudus911@gmail.com to get this e-book.
Online survey is all about answering some questions, or testing products and you get paid for it. The number of surveys you take per day will determine the amount you will make online per day. Its all free don’t pay any company to take surveys, they are meant to pay you for your opinion. There are a lot of websites that will ask you to pay to get access to survey websites. They are all scam. You can get survey sites through google search.
There is this thing called “GOOGLE ADSENSE” you can also make a lot of money from there. It all depends on how much of your time you are willing to sacrifice to make some money for yourself. Google adsense is also a form of marketing, (Advert), and you are been paid depending on the number clicks on the advert you place on your website. You can make a lot of cash from Google Adsense without investing any amount. All you need to do is spend some time on the internet putting this adverts on your website and bringing traffic to the website so as to have a better chance a lot of people clicking on your adverts.
I will give the details on the step by step guide on how you can make money with google adsense, just send a mail to kudus911@gmail.com
For now this the few I know that are legitimate, real and scam free. Don’t get deceived there are a lot of scammers on the internet.
I have a lot of e-books that I can give you. The following are the available ones.

Note: I only have few to give out free to people who are serious and ready to make money.
All you need to do is send a mail to kudus911@gmail.com or kudus911@yahoo.com

I always give out this books on my blog so have to keep coming to check for some thing new.

HOW TO GET $1500 PER MONTH FROM INTERNET BLOGS………. GUARANTEED!What if I told you that $1500 could easily find its way into your bank account using the power of blogs- as a matter of fact, free blogs? Yes, you can and I am going to show you exactly how, right now, so you can kick off immediately. (I will be making tons of references today to guide you. Make sure you checked them all out because they will be crucial to your achieving the figure above). As straight forward as it looks, most people who try to live off the internet fall victim to the mistake of erroneously believing that to make money online, you have to sell ‘make money’ products. This is nothing but a misconception. Making money online is about selling products and services for a commission and you can as well sell stuff outside the ‘make money’ niche and trust me when I say you can do it far more easily. So dump that idea that only certain niches sell and expand your view by looking into selling in other profitable niches. It is good to show others how thing are done but when it comes to teaching about how to make money from the internet, the competition is usually very keen and you will find yourself in the race with people who have years of experience, proof and who can easily crush your efforts without even trying. There is an excellent article on this at www. profitbomb. com. That detailed the top 7 mistakes you are likely to make. You see, you need to understand first that there are so many other areas that you can go into on the internet that will make you rich with less than half the effort you will put into trying to teach people how to make money from the internet. The problem is knowing exactly what to do online to send in the cash. Recently, I started explaining the concept of targeting desperate people for your online campaigns. Let me explain: someone who has a bad toothache, can’t eat, can’t sleep and is desperate for a solution. If you show him a website containing a solution, he won’t think but but buy right there on the spot. Just think about men with chronic backache. What do you think will happen if he gets a solution on your website? The problem, however, is that it can sometimes be difficult to know what you should go for online and that is why I will quickly explain 3 steps for choosing what to create a blog on, and then later, I will make a list of 30 things guaranteed to make you money if you start blogging on then immediately. STEP 1Look at online bookstores and find what the hot sellers are. Go to a place like www. clickbank. com, www. amazon. com,www. ebay. com, www. cj. com and try to sniff out what people are buying. All you need to do is to look for the top sellers and start blogging on them, another one of my favourite system under this technique is to go to bookshop and scan for best sellers or look daily on the pages of newspapers for persistent problems. I am also a fan of online forums, where I go to scan on what people are ready to buy- that was how I got the idea for my recent pet project on my website. This technique works and I love it! STEP 2Start blogging on what I call, ‘all time problems’. This are problems that will never go away for as long humanity exists. For instant: health issues, money issues, food and food recipes, love and marriages, how to handle teenege problems, computer virus threats, fun and stress relieve etc. You can pick topics like this which will always be in vogue and start creating blogs around then. STEP 3Now, this one is my secret strategy where I just sit down and let those who are smart and know all the trick do the research, the send me a new market I can hit every single day. Let me let you in on the secret because I know you will make good use of it. Just go over to www. nicheaday. com, and every single day check your email box, you can find a market you can hit and profit from. Now you have a basic information about getting something to blog on, let’s go to making the cash happen your step is to start making blogs on those topics you have choosen. You have 2 choices for making your blog. It can be a free or a paid blog, if you have the cash, (just about $18 dollars a year), go for paid blogs because they give you a lot of control and you can do cool things with them. All you need to do is get a website at a place like www. hostplusng. com. You will be given log in details to your account. Log in, and when in, locate a tool called FANTASTICO, click on it, on the next page, go to the blog section and install wordpress by following the instructions. I recommend wordpress because of its flexibility. If you do not want to pay for a blog, just go to www. blogger. com and get one free. Please make sure you read all their terms and do all you can not to go against the terms of service. YOUR NEXT STEPYou now need to start creating content for your blog. This is not difficult if you understand it. For instance, if your blog is about toothache, it is time to start giving good ,high quality toothache information. These can be articles, audios, book reviews etc. One thing about blogs is that you should try to make your blog alive by infusing new content regularly. Let people come and meet something new on your blog at every point in time. If you cannot create content for yourself, then hire people to do it for Let people come and meet something new on your blog at every point in time. If you cannot create content for yourself, then hire people to do it for you. Go to places like www. getacoder. com, www. rentacoder. com, www. need-an-article. com, or even look for any newspaper columnist who can research and write your content and pay for it. YOUR NEXT STEPIn fact, this step should come before the one above. You should look for a way of making money from your blog. There are a lot of ways to do this. You can use pay per click revenue like what you see on adsense (www. google. com/adsense, www. adbrite. com, www. kontera. com, www. clicksor. com, www. bidvertisers. com, www. kanoodle. com) and then mix it with affiliate earnings which I recommend to boost your daily income. NOTE: As much as possible, try and make sure you are promoting affiliate products similar to content on your website. Another quite interesting way to make money is to use pay-per- post, like what you see on www. payperpost. com. Once you have settled this and you are sure that when people start coming to your website, there is something they can click or buy that will create some revenue for you, you can move on to the next step. YOUR NEXT STEPThis might in fact be the most tasking of all the steps and it might take a while to get it right. The key to succeeding at it is to work on it daily and keep doing it even if you are not getting as much result as you expect for the time being. Your next step is to attract people to your website and we call it ‘TRAFFIC’. The amount and quality of traffic you get will determine how successful your website will become in the long haul and how much money you will be able to generate per day. I will describe a few traffic techniques I personally use for my blog here and which I have found to work at least to certain degrees. (the real key is using a combination of these techniques). BLOG TRAFFIC SECRETS 1Each time you add new information to your blog, go over to www.pingoat.com and ping your blog. Pinging is a term used to describe announcing your blog to related sites like technorati. What you are simply doing is that you are telling them you have something new on your blog and you want them to see it. BLOG TRAFFIC SECRET 2Write articles and send them out. At least for each blog you own, write 50 articles and at the bottom, give a link to your blog, then submit the articles. Of the thousands of article site around, I have come to fall in love with a few. The two I use the most are www. ezinearticles. com, and www. isanre. com. The latter is actually an article distribution service that takes your article and sends it out to thousands of other article sites for just $2 per article. For me, this is worth it considering the time and energy I would have spent doing it myself. BLOG TRAFFIC SECRET 3Really simple. Very hidden. In fact, I am revealing to you; I am using this technique for the first time. Just head over to www.scribd.com and in less than 60seconds, get an account. You can start uploading articles in e-book format, audios etc to the site to be viewed by millions of people who will definitely stumble on it. Don’t forget to put , audios etc to the site to be viewed by millions of people who will definitely stumble on it. Don’t forget to put your website’s address into any material you upload. BLOG TRAFFIC I keep saying this- forums are a good way to get very good traffic. When you register on this forums, be active. If all you do is welcome new comers to the forum and nothing else, it is enough to get traffic to your site. Just make sure that the link to your site is at the bottom of any comment or post you make. You can get immediate access to forum traffic at places like www. cyberbreakthroughs. com, www. warriorforum. com, www. sdlcnigeria. org/forum etc (Just go to google and search for forum related to anything forum related to anything you do- then register as a member and get active). For more ways of getting traffic, visit: www. easymanual. biz. YOUR NEXT STEPNow you need to carefully take stock and see how much you are making per day on your blog. Now don’t get discouraged here because you might see little figures when starting. Of course, you are not John chow, owner of www. johnchow. com, who makes $20 000 from his blog monthly, neither are you Jeremy schoemaker, owner of www. shoemoney. com who makes $140 000 per month from his network of blogs. So you need to take stock and build it into a good income source using a simple strategy that goes thus: If your target is $100 per day and one of your blogs make $5 dollars daily, then just build and grow 20 of such blogs. This was the secret of Yun Ye, who by 2007 had over 100 000 internet domains and was making $100 000 per day(that’s an average of $1 per domain) and then sold his domain portfolio for a whopping $164million the same year. Your Bonus NichesIf you want to start blogging immediately and wondering what to blog on, here are some things that can be profitable which you can start with today. · MORTGAGE · CONSULTING· HOME GYM· ADOPTION· OFFICE FURNITURE· TEETH WHITENING· ACNE· HOT TUB· GAMES· DIABETES· CANCER· BANKRUPTCY· GARDENING· TAX· TAX ATTORNEY· CAR INSURANCE· AIRFARE· PHOTOGRAPHY· SURVEILANCE· SOFTWARE· SPYWARE· VIRUS AND ANTIVIRUS· DATA RECOVERY· DATINGOTHERS INCUDE· MARRIAGE REPAIR· STOCKS· BABY NAMES· DOG TRAINING· FRUITS· COMPUTER HARDWARE

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